Colors and Ranking Structure-
Division Colors-
-Slayer Squad-
Armor Primary- Silver
Armor Secondary- Silver
Armor Detail- Red
Emblem Primary- White
Emblem Secondary- White
Emblem Background- Red
-Tactics/Big Team Squad-
Armor Primary- Silver
Armor Secondary- Silver
Armor Detail- Teal
Emblem Primary- White
Emblem Secondary-White
Emblem Background- Teal
Armor Primary- Steel (staff only for 1 week)
Ranking Structure-
A01-Recruit (RCT) (Member)
Req. 2 days activity with clan + choose squad
Duties- To play with your
recruiters and come to a decision on a squad.
Uniform- Bullseye no middle
A02-Apprentice (AP) (Member)
Promotion Req. 3 days
activity with clan
Duties- To get to know the people in the clan and play with
your squad
Uniform- Delta no top
A03-Private (PVT) (Member)
Promotion Req. 7 days
activity with clan + Know the Code of Conduct
Duties- To help the
gunnery sergeants out
Uniform- Delta
A04-Gunnery Sergeant (GNS) (Member)
Promotion Req. 14 days
activity with clan + Know the Code of Conduct and the
Ranking Structure (Just the ranks)
Duties- To show lower ranking
members around NGC and help the warrant officers
Uniform- Triplicate no
A05-Warrant Officer (WO) (Member)
Promotion Req. 14 days activity with clan + Know the Full Recruiting
To help lieutenants find recruits
Uniform- Triplicate
A06-Lieutenant (LT) (Staff)
Promotion Req. 14 days
activity with clan + Successfully recruit 10 people into NGC
Duties- To recruit new
people into NGC and to help captains with squad practices
Uniform- Crosshairs
A07-Captain (CPT) (Staff)
Promotion Req. Up to
Division General or Council + Know who all council and
division generals are
To run squad practices to their highest potential
Uniform- Supernova
A08-Major (MJ) (Staff)
Promotion Req. Up to
Division General or Council
Duties- To promote and
demote (Recruit-Warrant-Officer)
Officer- Squad Co-Leader
Uniform- Champion
A09-Colenel (CNL) (Staff)
Promotion Req. Up to
Duties- To promote, demote
(Recruit-Lieutenant) and to help out your commanders
Officer- Squad Co-Leader
Uniform- Hawk
A10-Commander (COM) (Staff)
Promotion Req. Up to Council
Duties- To promote,
demote, (Recruit-Lieutenant) and to make sure squads are running
Officer- Squad Leader
Uniform- Crossed Swords
A11-Brigadier (BRG) (Staff)
Req. Up to Council
Duties- To help out your
division generals and to promote and demote
Officer- Division
Phoenix no shield
A12-Division General (DVG) (Staff)
Promotion Req. Up to
Duties- To run your division to
its highest potential and to promote and demote
Officer- Division
Uniform- Fleur de Lis
A13-General (General) (Council)
Duties- To oversee progress of
your Division Generals and to oversee the clan as a
Uniform- Fleur de Lis +
Four Plots
F01-Founder (Founder) (Council)
All of the above
Uniform- Fleur de Lis +
Four Diamonds
Tactics/Big Team- Objectives, Big Team Battle
Slayer- Team Slayer